2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED]

Academic Honors and Standards

President’s Honor List

A student must be taking at least nine (9) semester hours of work and must have a grade point average of at least 4.0. In addition, disciplinary or academic probation shall make a student ineligible.

Vice President’s Honor List

A student must be taking at least nine (9) semester hours of work and must have a grade point average of at least 3.5. In addition, disciplinary or academic probation shall make a student ineligible.

High Honor Graduates

Graduates receiving an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Applied Science with at least 30 hours at Temple College and with a grade point average of 4.0 on all hours which count toward graduation are considered high honor graduates.

Honor Graduates

Graduates receiving an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Applied Science with at least 30 hours at Temple College and with a grade point average of 3.5 on all hours which count toward graduation are considered honor graduates.

Academic Standards

Temple College has adopted academic standards for continued enrollment and graduation which require students to achieve an overall 2.0 grade point average in order to be eligible for graduation.

Academic Probation

Students who fail to meet either the semester GPA standard or the cumulative GPA standard or both will be placed on academic probation for the ensuing semester. If a student is on academic probation and satisfies either the semester GPA standard or the cumulative GPA standard but fails to meet the other, the student is continued on probation. The student will remain on probation until both the semester and the cumulative GPA are at or above a 2.0. Any student placed on Academic Probation must attend an Academic Probation Counseling session prior to the start of the next term in which they are enrolled. Failure to attend Academic Probation Counseling session may result in the student being dropped from all classes.

Academic Suspension

A student on academic probation who fails to meet both the semester and cumulative GPA standards will be suspended from the College for the ensuing fall or spring semester and any intervening summer session. A student on academic suspension will be out indefinitely until the student meets with the Director of Student Retention. Once approved, the student will return to Temple College on Probation during the first semester. During the probationary semester, the student will meet with the Director on three designated dates. If the student fails to meet with the Director on or prior to the designated meeting dates, he/she will be removed from all of their courses for the semester. 

Academic Waiver

A student placed on academic suspension at the end of a long semester who wishes to continue at Temple College may apply for an Academic Suspension Waiver. Suspension waivers are considered each semester by the Director of  Retention. The waiver request must be for a 16-week semester (summer semesters are not included). Students placed on academic suspension following a summer semester will not be eligible to waive the academic suspension.  No student with an academic record reflecting three or more scholastic suspensions may be re-admitted to the college without the recommendation of the Director of  Retention and the AVP of Student Enrollment Services. All requests for an Academic Suspension Appeal must be made in writing. The student making the request must meet with the Director of Retention in person. Upon approval the student will meet with the Director on three designated dates during the semester in which the Waiver was approved. If the student fails to meet with the Director on or prior to the designated meeting dates, he/she will be removed from all of their courses for the semester. Contact the Office of the Director of Retention for details. 

Transfer Students

A transfer student who is not academically eligible to return to the college he/she last attended will not be eligible for regular admission to Temple College. For information on exceptions and special admissions, contact the Director of  Retention. A transfer student who was placed on probation at the college he/she last attended will be admitted on probation to Temple College and must meet the minimum standard of work during his/her first semester of enrollment in order to continue in attendance. A transfer student whose transcript does not indicate that he/she was on probation, but whose academic record during the last semester of his/her attendance at another college did not meet the minimum standard of work at Temple College, will be admitted on probation and must meet the minimum standard of work during his/her first semester of enrollment in order to continue his/her attendance. During the probationary period, the student will meet with the Director on three designated dates during the semester. If the student fails to meet with the Director on or prior to the designated meeting dates, he/she will be removed from all of their courses for the semester.