2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED]

Expenses and Scholarships

Tuition and fee charges are to be paid at registration. Registration is not complete until all payments have been made. Other charges are due upon request. Payment of tuition and fees may be made by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, American Express, or installment plan. For details on the installment plan, please see “Tuition and Fee Installment Plan”. All charges and fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees, as they deem advisable.

Tuition* and General Fees**

Please check online for tuition due dates for each semester. The college does not mail tuition statements.


2023-2024 Tuition & Fees: In-District Texas Resident
Hours Tuition

Out of

District Fee

Use Fee Technology Fee General Fee Total
1 $77 $0 $13 $25 $10 $125
2 $154 $0 $26 $50 $20 $250
3 $231 $0 $39 $75 $30 $375
4 $308 $0 $52 $100 $40 $500
5 $385 $0 $65 $125 $50 $625
6 $462 $0 $78 $150 $60 $750
7 $539 $0 $91 $175 $70 $875
8 $616 $0 $104 $200 $80 $1,000
9 $693 $0 $117 $225 $90 $1,125
10 $770 $0 $130 $250 $100 $1,250
11 $847 $0 $143 $275 110 $1,375
12 $924 $0 $156 $300 $120 $1,500
13 $1,001 $0 $169 $325 $130 $1,625
14 $1,078 $0 $182 $350 $140 $1,750
15 $1,155 $0 $195 $375 $150 $1,875
16 $1,232 $0 $208 $400 $160 $2,000
17 $1,309 $0 $221 $425 $170 $2,125
18 $1,386 $0 $234 $450 $180 $2,250


2023-2024 Tuition & Fees: Out-of-District Texas Resident
Hours Tuition

Out of

District Fee

Use Fee Technology Fee General Fee Total
1 $77 $75 $13 $25 $10 $200
2 $154 $150 $26 $50 $20 $400
3 $231 $225 $39 $75 $30 $600
4 $308 $300 $52 $100 $40 $800
5 $385 $375 $65 $125 $50 $1,000
6 $462 $450 $78 $150 $60 $1,200
7 $539 $525 $91 $175 $70 $1,400
8 $616 $600 $104 $200 $80 $1,600
9 $693 $675 $117 $225 $90 $1,800
10 $770 $750 $130 $250 $100 $2,000
11 $847 $825 $143 $275 $110 $2,200
12 $924 $900 $156 $300 $120 $2,400
13 $1,001 $975 $169 $325 $130 $2,600
14 $1,078 $1,050 $182 $350 $140 $2,800
15 $1,155 $1,125 $195 $375 $150 $3,000
16 $1,232 $1,200 $208 $400 $160 $3,200
17 $1,309 $1,275 $221 $425 $170 $3,400
18 $1,386 $1,350 $234 $450 $180 $3,600


2023-2024 Tuition & Fees: Out-of-State & International Non-Resident
Hours Tuition

Out of

State Fee

Use Fee Technology Fee General Fee Total
1 $200 $113 $13 $25 $10 $361
2 $236 $226 $26 $50 $20 $558
3 $354 $339 $39 $75 $30 $837
4 $472 $452 $52 $100 $40 $1,116
5 $590 $565 $65 $125 $50 $1,395
6 $708 $678 $78 $150 $60 $1,674
7 $826 $791 $91 $175 $70 $1,953
8 $944 $904 $104 $200 $80 $2,232
9 $1,062 $1,017 $117 $225 $90 $2,511
10 $1,180 $1,130 $130 $250 $100 $2,790
11 $1,298 $1,243 $143 $275 $110 $3,069
12 $1,416 $1,356 $156 $300 $120 $3,348
13 $1,534 $1,469 $169 $325 $130 $3,627
14 $1,652 $1,582 $182 $350 $140 $3,906
15 $1,770 $1,695 $195 $375 $150 $4,185
16 $1,888 $1,808 $208 $400 $160 $4,464
17 $2,006 $1,921 $221 $425 $170 $4,743
18 $2,124 $2,034 $234 $450 $180 $5,022



2023-2024 Student Fees & Descriptions

Fee or Charge:


Out-of-District Fee

$75 per credit hour - Fee is charged to Texas resident students who live outside the TC taxing district.

Use Fee

$13 per credit hour - Fee is used as a pledge against the Revenue Bond Debt Service payment. Revenue bonds are used to improve and construct the college’s facilities.

Technology Fee

$25 per credit hour - Fee is used to support the college’s technology infrastructure.

General Fee

$10 per credit hour - Fee is used for general student activities and privileges.

Health Science Fee

$80 per credit hour* - Fee is applied to all Health Science classes to support additional costs associated with these programs.

*Please note: Tuition and fees may change after the print document. Please see the online catalog for the most up to date tuition and fee schedule.


2023-2024 Waivers & Exemptions



Required Fees

Lab Fees


Blind or Deaf Students





Children of Disabled Firemen/Peace Officers





Children in Foster or Other Residential Care





Dependents of Deceased Public Servants





Firefighters taking Fire Science Courses (Fire Science curriculum)










Highest Ranking High School Graduate





Peace Officer Exemption (Criminal Justice classes only)





Senior Citizens (up to 6 hours per semester)






Competitive Scholarship

Out-of-State residents receive in-state tuition rate.


Dual Credit

Varies according to class location.


Employee of Temple College

Tuition & required fees waived for up to 6 hours.


Military Personnel and their Dependents

Out-of-State residents receive in-state tuition rate.


Non-Resident Property Owner

Out-of-District and/or non-resident fees waived for persons owning property in College taxing district.

*Dual Credit classes are eligible to receive a $59 per semester hour discount for in-district and $101 per semester hour discount for out-of-district. A student may be subject to one or both of the special conditions listed above.

**Certain classes have additional lab fees. See individual course descriptions for specifics on lab fees.

Laboratory Fees — See Course Descriptions  

Other Fees Paid at Registration (All special fees are subject to change):

*Please note: Tuition and fees may change after the print document. Please see the online catalog for the most up to date tuition and fee schedule.

Special Fees:  
Auditing charge per class (in addition to tuition and other fees) $15
Computer Competency Exam $15
Internet Fee $0 per semester hour
Hybrid Fee $0 per semester hour
Music: Individualized Instruction  
  two credit, 1 hour lesson fee $380*
  one credit, 1/2 hour lesson fee $190*
Repeat Fee (Third or more times to repeat same course) $75 per credit hour
Reprint Fee $5 per print
Developmental Education Repeat Fee $75 per credit hour
  (Fee assessed after 27 hours of developmental education courses have been attempted)
Surgical Technology Sterile Supply Fee (Temple students only) $300
Surgical Technology Surgical Counts Clinical Tracking Software Fee $40
Surgical Technology Fee for National Certification Exam $300
Telecourse Fee $25 per course
  (ARTS 1316)  

Charges for Particular Services or Activities

Parking and traffic violations $25 each for the first ticket per academic year
  $40 each for the second ticket per academic year
  $60 each for third and subsequent tickets per academic year
Disabled parking violation $50 each
Returned checks regardless of reason Maximum Fee Allowed by State Law
Fax Service (Local) $1 for first page
    $.50 each additional page
Fax Service (Long Distance) $2 for first page
    $.50 each additional page
Late Graduation $30
Temple College ID Card Replacement $20
Property Damage Replacement Cost
Student Directory $100
Transcript Fee, after 5th transcript/term $5/transcript
Tuition and Fee Installment Plan Set-Up Fee $30
Short Term Loan Set-Up Fee $10
Installment Plan Late Fee (each payment) $25
Short Term Loan Late Fee $30
Check Re-Issuance Fee $35
Certiport Test fees set by Certiport
  TC Administrative Fee $40
CLEP Test Test fees set by CEEB
  TC Administrative Fee $40
Correspondence, Distance Learning, Online, Internet, and Virtual College of Texas Tests
  (students never enrolled at Temple College) $20
  (former students) $10
  (current students) No Fee
DSST Test fees set by Thomson Prometric

Test fees set by DSST

TC Administrative Fee - $40

TSI Assessment $25
Re-test for Accuplacer or TSI Assessment


Ability to Benefit Test $10
Institutional Credit Examination $40 per attempt
Allied Health Program Pre-Testing Fees (Non-Refundable):
  Dental Hygiene $65
  Diagnostic Medical Sonography $65
  Nursing – ADN and VN Admissions Test $65
  Respiratory Care Admissions Test $65
  Surgical Technology Admissions Test $65

Tuition and Fee Installment Plan

A student may pay for tuition and mandatory fees for regular fall, spring, and summer semesters by one of two methods: (1) full payment or (2) installment. The installment plan is an online service administered by a third party processor. Once a payment plan has been chosen, it may not be changed. For the regular fall and spring semesters, one-half payment of tuition and fees plus the $30 service fee must be paid before the beginning of the semester, one-quarter payment prior to the start of the sixth class week, and a final one-quarter payment before the beginning of the eleventh class week. For the regular summer term, one-half payment of tuition and fees plus the $30 service fee must be paid before the beginning of the semester and the final one-half payment prior to the start of the fifth class week. The installment payment plan for tuition and fees may be used for the initial registration at the beginning of the regular fall, spring, and summer semesters. Installments may not be used for registration for shorter/longer periods.

Non-Payment of Installment Payment Contracts

Students who fail to make full payment of all charges on the installment plans are subject to the following conditions:

  1. Will have a hold placed on their records.
  2. Will be prohibited from registering for classes.
  3. Will still be responsible for the full amount due under the contract.
  4. Will not receive grades, awards, diplomas, and records, including but not limited to transcripts, to which they would otherwise be entitled.
  5. May be denied credit for the work done that semester.
  6. Will be responsible for collection of fees, including court costs, as permitted by law, in the event that the note is placed in the hands of a collection agency or attorney for collection.


To be eligible for a refund, a student must officially drop or withdraw. No refunds will be made after August 31 of the fiscal year of withdrawal. Refunds will be made according to the following formula.




Fall and Spring Semesters



16-Week Courses

Prior to the first day of semester



For class days 1 to 15 (inclusive)



For class days 16 to 20 (inclusive)



After the 20th day of classes


No Refund






Summer Term

Prior to the first day of semester



For class days 1 to 5 (inclusive)



For class day 6 (inclusive)



After the 6th day of classes


No Refund


Temple College offers the following scholarships to students who excel in certain areas:

  Area   Contact
  Music   Music Department
  Basketball   Basketball Coach
  Baseball   Baseball Coach
  Softball   Softball Coach
  Volleyball   Volleyball Coach
  Art   Art Department

Temple College Foundation

Temple College Foundation is a non-profit corporation established in 1982. The purpose of The Temple College Foundation is to assist in and contribute to the academic and physical growth and development of the College. College Trustees and citizens-at-large make up The Foundation Board. The Foundation welcomes gifts of cash, life insurance securities or other property, directly or through wills or trusts. All gifts to The Foundation are tax deductible.

Donor Scholarships

An impressive number of local organizations, businesses, and individuals provide scholarships to worthy students. Listed below are those awards. See the Financial Aid webpage for further information and application details. The following scholarships are available to students attending TC:

The Altrusa Club International of Temple awards a scholarship for one year at Temple College to a high school senior or a college freshman. The award is based on worthiness and general academic achievement.

The Ann Chamlee Endowed Music Scholarship was established in memory of Ann Chamlee, retired in 2008 after many years of service in the Temple College Music Department. The Fine Arts faculty selects the recipient of the scholarship.

The Auxiliary to the Central Texas Dental Society offers a scholarship to a Temple College Dental Hygiene student. Applicants must have successfully completed the first year of the dental hygiene program, maintained a 3.0 GPA, and exhibit financial need.

The Bell County Medical Society and Auxiliary offers several scholarships to Bell County high school graduates or Temple College freshmen majoring in various categories of medicine, nursing, or health related fields. The awards are based on general excellence.

The Betty Ann Macey Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a TC student through the Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs of Temple.

The Bill Vannatta Endowment Scholarship was set-up to be awarded to a “strong math student” referencing courses taken and grades achieved.

The Callaway Foundation Scholarship has been established in memory of J.L. and Bonnelle Callaway. Scholarships are awarded through C.H. Yoe High School.

The Cameron Lions Club selects a Yoe High School senior to receive a scholarship each year. Students from Cameron should contact the Senior Counselor of Yoe High School.

The C.E. Fikes (CEFCO) Endowed Scholarship was established by James R. and Kim Fikes in honor of Mr. C.E. Fikes, a long-time Central Texas businessman and founder of CEFCO Convenience Stores. Preference will be given to students employed by: Fikes Wholesale, Inc., CEFCO Convenience Stores, Group Petroleum Services, Sunbelt Ice, Fleet Fuel, Cord Financials Services, or JF Air Traffic, Inc. Second preference will be given to a student who is a child or grandchild of an employee of the same listed companies. Third preference will be given to a student working toward an associate’s degree in business including accounting, marketing, management, human resources, or IT. The recipient must be a full-time student maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA.

The Celia and Nathan Neman Developmental Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in memory of the parents of Sol Neman. Scholarships are to assist full time students entering the university with a declared engineering major who have a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to students residing in Bell County.

The City Federation of Women’s Clubs of Temple offers a scholarship to a Temple College student who plans to continue college work in a recognized four-year college or university. This scholarship is based on character, academic attainment and worthiness.

The Claudia and W.T. Barnhart Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award was established in 1988 by the Barnhart family. A $2,000 stipend is awarded each year to a faculty member for teaching excellence. Nominations for the award are supplied by Temple College employees and the recipient is selected through a selection committee.

The Constance McQueen Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Constance McQueen by her husband, Clyde McQueen. The student must be a full-time student, must be PELL eligible, and must maintain a 2.0 GPA.

The Donna Calvert English Scholarship has been established in memory of Donna Calvert, a dedicated English instructor at TC for many years. Recipient is to be a strong English major who exhibits financial need and maintains a 3.0 GPA.

The Douglas Ferrill Scholarship shall be awarded to a student who has demonstrated an interest in math, engineering, or teaching. Douglas Ferrill retired from Temple College in 1982 after twenty years of service. He developed and implemented the evening school and was Dean of Continuing Education and Evening School when he retired. The Computer-Aided Math Lab in the Math and Biomedical Science Building at Temple College was named in Mr. Ferrill’s honor in December, 2003. Mr. Ferrill also established two other scholarships, one in memory of his first wife, the Ruth Ferrill Scholarship and one in honor of his second wife, Marjorie Ferrill.

The Dr. Byron G. McKibben Nursing (ADN) Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a full time ADN student who is at least 18 years of age and maintains a 2.5 GPA.

The Dr. George R. Kress Scholarship is for music and fine arts or health science majors. Recipients must be full-time students and maintain a 3.0 GPA with plans to transfer to a university.

The Dr. Harry B. Macey, Jr. Endowed Scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Harry B. Macey, Jr.’s many contributions to Temple College and Temple College Foundation. Recipient must be majoring in a health care professions field, must be a full-time student, must be PELL eligible and must maintain a 3.0 GPA.

The Dr. Ralph Wilson, Jr. & Sharon Marie Wilson Endowed Scholarship Fund was established through a trust upon the passing of Dr. Ralph Wilson, Jr. Dr. Wilson was a highly successful local businessman who was renowned for his kindness and generosity in life. He had a tremendous philanthropic spirit and supported Temple College in many areas, including the Jean and Ralph Wilson Dental Hygiene Clinic which was dedicated in 2004. Applicant must have verifiable financial need and maintain a 2.5 GPA.

Durinda and G.C. Slough made accommodations in their estate to ensure that students at Temple College would have educational opportunities in the health sciences profession.

The Ed Morgan Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by students and faculty with the help of the Morgan family after Dr. Morgan, a beloved science professor, lost his battle with cancer. Recipients must be enrolled in the Science department or the ADN nursing program, maintain a 3.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need, and exhibit potential and determination in their academic studies.

The Elizabeth Blakely Jackson Scholarship has been established by the John A. Jackson family. The scholarship is awarded to a student with a 2.5 GPA and an interest in sports or physical education.

Eva Marie and Jim Tranum Scholarship is available to graduating seniors from Temple, Belton, and Gatesville. Must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Selection made by the high school and Temple College.

The First Class Scholarship was created in 1986. Selection of recipients for the scholarship is made through the Scholarship Committee.

The Four Winds Intertribal Society Scholarship is awarded to an applicant of American Indian descent. Preference will be given to students who meet the required documentation in the following order: 1) member of a Federal Recognized Tribe (have nation card and CDIB card); 2) carded member of a State recognized tribe, card of tribal recognition (any tribe); or 3) be of Native American Genealogical descent. Applicants must be enrolled in at least six semester hours, must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA, and demonstrate financial need.

First National Bank of Temple has established an annual $1500 per year scholarship for banking, business, or business technology majors. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Applications are available on the Financial Aid web site.

The G.V. Brindley, Jr., M.D. Scholarship for Health Care Professions scholarship was established in memory of Dr. G.V. Brindley, Jr. by Temple College Foundation in recognition of the lasting contribution that he made to the Temple community and to the health care professions. The scholarship is awarded to health care professions majors.

As the Foundation’s affinity partner, Geico has established the Geico Endowed Scholarship to benefit a freshman student at TC who demonstrates financial need.

The Gina MacDougall Memorial Scholarship is available for students age 17 or older who have passed the TC entrance assessment test. Applicants must be full-time students pursuing a degree in early childhood education, child development, or special or elementary education. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and exhibit financial need.

The H. C. and Mary Farrell Scholarship provides financial assistance to full time students participating in the performing arts department who maintain a 3.0 and demonstrate financial need. This scholarship was established and endowed by Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Farrell, Jr.

The Hal Ward Business/Management Endowed Scholarship was established by John D. Ward in tribute to his brother, Hal Ward who retired from Temple College in 2009 after 40 plus years of service. The applicant must be a Business/Management major, demonstrate financial need, be enrolled in at least 12 semester hours, and maintain a GPA of at least 2.5.

The Hubert L. “Pinky” and Waldean D. Linder Endowed Scholarship is awarded to students who have financial need and who show promise. Mr. and Mrs. Linder did not have any children of their own and because of their love for children, they wished to help young people to further their education.

The Jack and Wanda Weinblatt Scholarship has been established for City of Temple Firefighters and their families. Students may use funds for tuition, fees, and books.

The Janicek Memorial Scholarship provides financial assistance to a full-time Temple College student who maintains a 2.5 GPA. The scholarship was established in 1986 by Klara F. Janicek.

The JELD-WEN Foundation has established a one-year scholarship to needy students. The scholarship is the amount of $800 per year. Students must be entering freshmen and must be from the community in which a JELD-WEN facility is located.

The Jessica June Wilson Beatty Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the memory and continue the legacy of Temple College student, Jessica Wilson Beatty. Her family established the endowment in the hopes that her only child, Brentley Brooklyn Beatty will follow in her mother’s footsteps, living every day to the fullest. Her talent for painting, writing, singing and swimming and passion for music, camping, fishing, boating, dancing and karaoke define her life. During the summer, you would find her out at Lake Belton building castles in the sand with her daughter on the beach. Jessica’s April 19th birthday falls just one month shy of the scholarships deadline and eligible applicants will demonstrate Jessica’s determination and potential in the area of fine arts.

The Joe B. and Louise P. Cook Foundation Endowment was created in 2011 by the Trustees for the Cook Foundation.

The John Allen Cox Memorial Art Scholarship was established after his death on April 24, 2001, and later endowed by his wife, Louise Cox, a long-time employee of Temple College. The recipient is selected by the Chairman of the Visual Arts Department and a member of the Visual Arts Faculty, with assistance from the Temple College Foundation.

The Josephine Reeves Art Endowed Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance for students who attend Temple College. Recipients must be enrolled in the Visual Arts Department and must be PELL eligible. An endowed scholarship has been established in the name of Kiwanis Club Of Temple Project Foundation, Inc. to provide scholarships for Temple College students and those eligible to attend Temple College. Students must be enrolled full time. Preference will be given to students enrolled in educational entities within the borders of the City of Temple (to include Temple High School, Private Schools, Home Schools, etc.)

An endowed scholarship has been established in the name of Kiwanis Club Of Temple Project Foundation, Inc. to provide scholarships for Temple College students and those eligible to attend Temple College. Students must be enrolled full time. Preference will be given to students enrolled in educational entities within the borders of the City of Temple (to include Temple High School, Private Schools, Home Schools, etc.)

The Linda Green Knight Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Barney Knight in celebration of his wife’s, Linda Green Knight’s, birthday. The recipient must be enrolled in 12 semester hours and must maintain an average grade of C. Recipients must be a graduate from Rogers ISD, Holland ISD, Bartlett ISD, Academy ISD, Salado ISD, Belton ISD, Temple ISD or Troy ISD.

The Lions Club of Temple gives annually a scholarship to a first-year college student. This award is based on scholarship with emphasis given in the field of athletics.

The Louisa Mehaffey Scholarship was established in honor of Mrs. Mehaffey, a retired member of the Temple College Language Faculty. It is awarded annually to a returning Temple College student who has demonstrated outstanding quality in scholarship, citizenship, and leadership.

The Louise L. Cox Memorial Scholarship honors one of Temple College’s most revered employees. Louise L. Cox worked at Temple College for forty-six years. During that time, she served as Assistant to three College Presidents and also served as Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees. She dedicated her professional life to Temple College as a loyal employee, supporter of education, and friend. The scholarship is for a student who is enrolled in business-related classes. The student must be a full-time student and maintain a 2.5 GPA. Incoming freshman must have an over-all 2.5 GPA.

The Margaret “Maggie” Ward Memorial Art Scholarship was established by the family and friends of Temple College student Maggie Ward. This scholarship is based on financial need and/or achievement and is awarded annually to a deserving art major.

The Marguerite and Jack Calvert Scholarship is available for students age 17 or older. Applicants must be full-time students, demonstrate financial need and must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Preference will be given to an athletic student.

The Marie S. and Jerry Adamek Memorial Scholarship provides a scholarship to a full-time TC student who resides in the Temple College District. Applicants must be pursuing a degree in Business/Business Education, must maintain a 2.5 GPA as a freshman and a 2.7 GPA as a sophomore, and demonstrate financial need.

The Marie Wilkerson Endowed Scholarship was established by Larry Wilkerson in memory of his wife, Marie Wilkerson. Mrs. Wilkerson was an accomplished business woman in the Temple community. The recipient must be enrolled in the LVN program with a minimum of six semester hours, maintain a 3.0 GPA, and show verifiable financial need.

The Marjorie Ferrill Scholarship was established in 2003 by Douglas Ferrill in honor of his wife, Marjorie Ferrill. The scholarship is to be awarded to a student deserving financial assistance.

The Martin Group Nursing Scholarships were established by the Dell Martin Family. Students must be enrolled in the ADN Nursing Program, show verifiable financial need, and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.

The Mary Alice Marshall Music Scholarship was established in May 1973, by members and friends of the Temple College Choir. The scholarship, in honor of Mrs. Marshall’s 18 years of teaching at Temple College, assists a student who exhibits an interest and talent in music and participates in the College Choir. A committee composed of the Chairman of the Music Department and two additional members of the Music Faculty selects the recipient.

The Michelle Otto Caring Paramedic Endowed Scholarship was established by her mother in order to honor her daughter’s life and work as a paramedic. Michelle became a leader in her profession, and also took the time to write about her experiences as a paramedic helping people at times of sever crisis. The scholarship is awarded to a student with a 2.5 GPA in the EMT or paramedic program who submits an additional essay describing an experience when they have demonstrated deep caring for another individual. Preference will be given to students referred by the Director of Fayette County EMS.

The John A. Jackson family has established a scholarship in honor of Mr. O. A. Graeter, Sr. The scholarship is awarded to an honor graduate with vocational and/or science interest.

The John A. Jackson family has established a scholarship in honor of Mrs. O. A. Graeter, Sr. The scholarship is awarded to a student with a 2.5 GPA and an interest in the performing arts.

The John A. Jackson family has established a scholarship in honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Graeter, Jr. The recipient must be enrolled full-time in the Athletics or Health Sciences Departments with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA.

An endowed scholarship has been established in the name of Nadine Kinchen Benoit, who was a registered nurse. Students must be in the ADN Program, resident of Bell County, and maintain 3.0 GPA. Patricia Benoit and Dr. Weldon Cannon established the endowment in memory of her mother. Students must be in the ADN program, resident of Bell County, and maintain a 3.0 GPA.

Nigliazzo Memorial Scholarship established in memory of Dr. Marc Nigliazzo’s mother, Salvatora Nigliazzo. Recipient selected by Dr. Nigliazzo, Temple College Foundation, and Financial Aid Office. Based on special needs.

The PCF Athletic Scholarship is awarded to a deserving female student athlete who is enrolled full-time (12 semester hours) and who is a returning student with a 2.5 GPA. The recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Scholarship recipient is selected by the TC Financial Aid Office, the Temple College Foundation, and Talma Botts.

The Review Club offers annually a scholarship to either a first-year college student or a high school graduate. This scholarship is awarded on general excellence and accomplishment.

The Rose Brasher Lindley Endowed Scholarship has been established by her niece, Rose Anne Brasher. Student(s) must be enrolled in the Associate of Arts Degree program, must maintain a 2.5 GPA with no failing grades, enrolled full time (12 hours) and have earned a high school diploma.

The Rosemary B. Hauser Scholarship was established to honor the years of service Ms. Hauser gave to the Foundation as the Executive Director. Recipients must be enrolled in a fine arts program and maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

The Rotary Club of Temple gives scholarships annually. The scholarships are open to freshmen men and women who plan to return to Temple College the next year.

The Ruby E. Arnett Endowed Scholarship is for a student who is enrolled in a Health Sciences major.

The Rusty Morales Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Judy Morales-Steinheimer and Michael Steinheimer’s son, Rusty Morales. It is awarded to a student who exhibits financial need, and has received special education or is eligible for DAR services. It can be awarded for dual credit students, developmental classes, or any other course offered by Temple College.

The Ruth Ferrill Scholarship was established in 2003 by Douglas Ferrill in memory of his late wife, Ruth Ferrill. The scholarship is awarded to a graduate of Temple High School who has demonstrated an interest in teaching or business.

The Ruth Howard Endowed Scholarship Is available to any student attending Temple College. The award was established by Ms. Howard in her estate.

The Scott and White Memorial Auxiliary (Yellow Birds) Scholarships are awarded to students interested in pursuing a career in a health-related or medically related field. These scholarships are based on financial need and academic potential.

TEDC/Charles H. Page III Memorial Scholarship is available to students pursuing a degree in Management/Business or the owner of a small business. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA.

Temple College offers a scholarship to each high school Valedictorian and Salutatorian in the Central Texas area. These scholarships pay tuition and fees and are good only for the year following their graduation from high school.

The Temple Jaycees Scholarship was established by the Jaycees of Temple to assist students at Temple College who exhibited financial need.

In memory of Tom Forkner, the Tom Forkner Scholarship Fund is designed to provide future deserving nursing students with scholarship aid. Recipients must be full time returning students in the LVN program who have demonstrated financial need.

The Travis Edward Ramsey Endowed Scholarship has been established in memory of Travis Edward Ramsey. The scholarship is limited to student(s) who are either in the Surgical Technology program or the ADN program with a preference given to Surgical Technology Majors. The recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Applicants must submit a short essay 50 to 150 word describing their beliefs on how they can contribute to surgical patient care.

The Virgil and Fay Chaffin Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Virgil and Fay Chaffin, both of whom attended TC and later received degrees in Education. Recipients must be full time students.

The Virginia Creech Scholarship for Creative Writing is awarded in the name of Virginia Creech to a student who is interested in poetry and pursuing creative writing.

The Virginia Katherine Denson-Dickson Scholarship provides assistance to a deserving TC student. The scholarship was endowed by Frank P. Dickson, Sr. in memory of his wife, Virginia, a former student of TC.

The Weldon G. Cannon Teaching Scholarship has been established by Dr. Weldon G. Cannon, former Temple College history professor and Ms. Patricia Benoit. Dr. Cannon is a retired Temple College history professor. Recipients must be enrolled in the Associate of Arts degree in Teaching (AAT) program. They must be a resident of Bell or adjoining counties including: Milam, Williamson, Falls, McLennan, Coryell, Lampasas, and Burnet. A 3.0 GPA is required.

The Wesleyan Homes Endowed Scholarship was established in 2011. Recipients must be enrolled in the Nursing Department, must have a GPA of 3.0, and must be enrolled full-time (minimum of 12 hours). Preference is given to applicants recommended by the Wesleyan Homes Director of Nursing and students residing in Georgetown.

The William Floyd Tippit Criminal Justice Scholarship was established in his memory by his family. The scholarship is awarded yearly to a criminal justice major by the Criminal Justice Department.

The William J. Matush Endowed Scholarship has been established in memory of his parents, Frank and Janie Matush. Criteria for the scholarship includes applicant must be of Czech heritage (descendants of Czech families, partial Czech heritage is acceptable), applicant(s) must be enrolled in an Associate degree program, must enroll full time (12 hours) and recipients must meet the minimum GPA required for graduation (2.0 GPA).

The Winston L. Liles Scholarship was established by family and friends in memory of Winston L. Liles. The scholarship is awarded to a returning sophomore at Temple College. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need.

The Woodrow W. and Bernice Pausewang Endowment was established by Marjorie Ferrill in honor of her aunt and uncle. The student must be enrolled in the Associate of Arts/Science Degree program, must be a graduate of Holland High School and must maintain a 2.5 GPA.

The Wynne T. and Mae Danforth Scholarship was established by Dr. Robert J. and Lajuana D. Carabasi. Recipients must be majoring in either a fine arts discipline or in a health care discipline. The recipient must demonstrate financial need, must be a full-time student and must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.

Local organizations and civic groups have awarded the following scholarships to students in and around the area:








































