2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED]

General Program Requirements


Associate Degree Graduation Requirements

Temple College awards degrees and certificates during the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters. Although there are three different semesters in which a student may graduate, Temple College only holds one formal graduation ceremony a year. This ceremony is held at the end of the Spring semester. This ceremony is for students who will meet degree requirements during that semester as well as those students who have graduated during the preceding Summer or Fall semesters. In order to be eligible to participate in the ceremony, students must complete the Application for Graduation and indicate their desire to participate in the ceremony.

Students will be considered as a candidate for graduation only upon completion of the Application for Graduation. Students must submit the application for graduation by the following deadline dates: Spring–February 1, Summer–June 1, and Fall–October 1. If the first of the month falls on a holiday or a weekend, the deadline date will be extended to the next business day. Students who do not submit their paperwork by these dates will be charged a $30 late fee. The last day to submit a late application for graduation for a term is four weeks before the last regular class day of the term. Students who do not apply by the deadline dates will not be considered for graduation for that term and will need to submit an application for the next graduation date.

Associate of Arts Degree and Associate of Science Degree

The Associate of Arts degree represents the first two years of college study towards a bachelor’s degree. Fundamental to this study is the core curriculum, outlined below. Comprising a total of 42 semester hours of credit, this core of courses is designed to help the student acquire important intellectual skills, develop an appreciation for the major systems of learning, and open his or her mind to significant aspects of other cultures.

The Temple College core curriculum is fully transferable to any public college or university in Texas, and is guaranteed by the Texas State Legislature to meet all lower division core requirements of the receiving institution, up to a total of 42 semester hours.

Requirements for Associate Degrees

  1. Completion of all admission requirements. All required documents must be on file.
  2. Completion of all degree requirements of the catalog in effect at the time students originally entered TC or any subsequent catalogs in effect as long as the students have been continuously enrolled and provided they meet the requirements within four years from the date they first enrolled under that catalog. Students who are not continuously enrolled or who do not finish within the four-year time limit must meet degree requirements of the current catalog year.
  3. Completion of at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree at Temple College.
  4. Completion of all coursework required for the degree with a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade-point average.
  5. Completion of all financial obligations.
  6. Completion of the core curriculum for each degree as listed in this catalog.
  7. Completion of all Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. Students will not be eligible for graduation until all TSI requirements have been met.
  8. Completion of the Application for Graduation by deadline date.

At least 60 semester hours of academic credit, exclusive of developmental courses, with at least a “C” average on all hours attempted is required to earn an Associate degree.

To receive an Associate degree from Temple College, the student must have completed at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree at Temple College. (Not including developmental coursework).

* For a student to receive an Associate degree from Temple College with any variation from these prescribed residency requirements, a statement waiving the requirement and signed by the Vice President of Educational Services must be on file in the student’s record folder in the Office of Admissions and Records. 

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) is a two-year program designed for those planning to enter the workforce after graduation. Some AAS degrees, especially those in the health sciences, prepare students for state or national credentialing/licensing exams.

Requirements for Associate of Applied Science Degree

  1. Completion of all admission requirements. All required documents must be on file.
  2. Completion of all degree requirements of the catalog in effect at the time students originally entered TC or any subsequent catalogs in effect as long as the students have been continuously enrolled and provided they meet the requirements within four years from the date they first enrolled under that catalog. Students who are not continuously enrolled or who do not finish within the four-year time limit must meet degree requirements of the current catalog year.
  3. Completion of at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree at Temple College.
  4. Completion of all Temple College coursework with a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade-point average.
  5. Completion of all financial obligations.
  6. Completion of all General Education requirements as outlined by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
  7. Completion of all Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. Students will not be eligible for graduation until all TSI requirements have been met.
  8. Completion of the Application for Graduation by deadline date.

In order to graduate from Temple College and receive the Associate of Applied Science degree, the student must complete 15 hours of general education courses. See your Program of Study for specific requirements.

Courses Sem. Cr. Hr.
ENGL 1301   3
HUMANITIES/FINE ARTS - Select courses from the appropriate Core Curriculum Foundational Component Areas or as specified in the degree program.  3
MATH/NATURAL SCIENCE - Select courses from the appropriate Core Curriculum Foundational Component Areas or as specified in the degree program.  3
SOCIAL/BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE - Select courses from the appropriate Core Curriculum Foundational Component Areas or as specified in the degree program.  3
GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE Select courses from the appropriate Core Curriculum Foundational Component Areas or as specified in the degree program. 3
COURSES *Course work from the student’s specific major 45
Total Hours 60

Note: Students must complete at least 60 semester hours of course credit, dependent on specific program requirements, exclusive of developmental level courses, with a “C” (2.0 GPA) or better average on all hours attempted. Some technical programs have additional specific grade requirements for their majors. These are listed in this catalog under specific programs in which the Associate of Applied Science degree is conferred.

*Included in the program specific course work hours should be all of the prescribed requirements for the specific technical degree program for which the student is enrolled. These requirements are listed in this catalog under specific programs in which an Associate of Applied Science degree is conferred.

To receive an AAS degree, the student must have completed at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree at Temple College.

For any variation from these prescribed requirements to be counted toward graduation, a written statement waiving that requirement and signed by the Vice President of Educational Services must be on file in the student’s record folder.

Requirements for Certificates

  1. Completion of all admission requirements. All required documents must be on file.
  2. Completion of all certificate requirements of the catalog in effect at the time students originally entered TC or any subsequent catalog in effect as long as students have been continuously enrolled and provided they meet the requirements with four years from the date they first enrolled under that catalog. Students who are not continuously enrolled or who do not finish within the four-year time limit must meet degree requirements of the current catalog year.
  3. Completion of all coursework required for the certificate with a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade-point average. (Note: Only grades for the specific courses required in the Level I certificate are used to calculate the GPA to determine eligibility for the award of the certificate.) Level 2 certificates require completion of all coursework required for the certificate with a 2.0 overall grade-point average. (Note: This includes all coursework used by the institution to calculate Academic Standards grade-point average.)
  4. Completion of all financial obligations.
  5. Completion of all Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements if students are graduating with a Level 2 certificate.
  6. Completion of the Application for Graduation by deadline date.
  7. Completion of the requirements check by the appropriate Career/Technical Department Chair. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the appropriate department for the requirements check.
  8. Completion of at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the certificate at Temple College.

Requesting a Temple College Transcript

An official, certified PDF of Temple College transcripts, can be requested through Parchment by going to the Temple College website (www.templejc.edu) and clicking on the Admissions tab and then clicking on the Transcript link. Transcripts can be ordered by clicking on the Parchment Self-Serve button. Orders are generally processed within a few business days (Allow additional processing time for high-volume periods). A transcript is an official copy of a student’s academic record showing the student’s academic status at the time it is issued. The official transcript includes the complete academic record of courses taken at Temple College. Copies of other schools’ transcripts are NOT included. Official transcripts are not issued until ALL OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS with the college are paid. Students should check for current holds prior to ordering transcripts. Please allow additional processing time for legacy records prior to 1990.

Please note: Any student who has an administrative hold in our system will not be able to view grades, receive refund checks, enroll for a consecutive semester, or receive transcripts. These holds include, but are not limited, to:

Incomplete application
Missing information from application
Missing official transcripts from other schools
Disciplinary action
Temple College unpaid tickets
Unreturned library books
Unpaid tuition
Return of funds for Financial Aid
Unreturned materials to Student Enrollment Services
Default on Institutional Short Term Loans
Default on Federal Student Loans*

*The student must meet the lender’s arrangements and must provide proof to Temple College that the student has made six consecutive monthly payments. 

Associate of Arts Degree-Academic Transfer Fields of Study-Certificates

The Associate of Arts (AA) Degree and Associate of Science (AS) Degree represents the first two years of college study toward a bachelor’s degree. AA and AS degree requirements at TC include 42 semester hours from the core curriculum and 18 semester hours of electives from major or related courses for a total of 60 semester hours.

The Core Curriculum, required for graduation and transfer to Texas public universities, is guaranteed by the Texas Legislature to meet all “lower division” core requirements, regardless of which Texas public university you wish to attend, up to a total of 42 semester hours.

The Temple College core curriculum (42 semester hours of credit or roughly 14 courses) is designed to provide a broad knowledge based upon which to obtain a two-year degree or build the foundation of a four-year degree.

Because degree requirements vary at the university level, plan carefully once the core courses are completed. TC has articulation agreements with area universities, and our advisors can help you ensure a smooth transfer.

A Field of Study curriculum is a set of courses that will satisfy the lower-division requirements for a baccalaureate degree in a specific academic area at a general academic teaching institution. A field of study curriculum affects academic degree programs at public colleges or universities as designated within the particular field of study curriculum.


Temple College offers Advanced Technical Certificates and Enhanced Skills Certificates in Health Sciences for those students who have already completed a degree and want additional training and specialization.

For students who are interested in short-term training, Temple College offers a variety of options. Level I and Level II Certificates are designed to provide a foundation for entry-level employment and the opportunity to continue to pursue an associate’s degree. Some certificate programs, especially those in the health sciences, prepare students to take examinations for special certifications or licensure.