2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED]

Student Life

Temple College has 21 student clubs/organizations on campus. Through these clubs/organizations, students are given an opportunity to become involved in planning activities, making new friends, and developing leadership skills. Included are governmental organizations, religious organizations, academic organizations and recreational groups.

For information regarding sponsorship, please ask the Director of Student Life for a copy of the Sponsorship Handbook. Also available is the Student Life Handbook for student organizations to use.

NAACP College Chapter (NAACP)
Organized in 1975, this organization sponsors programs and educational activities for African-American students to enhance the overall race relations program at Temple College. Membership is open to all Temple College students.

Associate Degree Nursing Student Organization (ADNSO)
Membership is restricted to students currently enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program. ADNSO promotes opportunities to develop experience in contributing to a professional organization and enhances member knowledge of health care concerns or issues.

Association of Respiratory Care Students (ARCS)
This organization is designed to promote interest and awareness in Respiratory Care, to further awareness of technological advancements, and to broaden the scope of study in Respiratory Care. Its membership is restricted to those students enrolled in the TC Respiratory Care program.

Association of Student Surgical Technologists (ASST)
This organization is designed to promote interest in Surgical Technology and to further member’s awareness of technological advancements through workshops, meetings, and visits to medical centers. Membership is restricted to those students enrolled in the Temple College Surgical Technology program.

Association of Student Vocational Nurses (ASVN)
Membership in ASVN is restricted to students currently enrolled in the Vocational Nursing Program. The purpose of this organization is to promote understanding of the nursing fields and related areas and to further the members’ awareness in technological advancements through workshops, meetings and visits to medical centers and nursing seminars.

EWCHEC Student Ambassadors
The purpose of this organization is to provide any EWCHEC student the opportunity to support the local community through volunteer efforts and promote the East Williamson County Higher Education Centers through partnerships in the community.

Lambda Alpha Epsilon
The American Criminal Justice Association has approved Temple College Criminal Justice Club as the Sigma Zeta Tau Chapter of Lambda Alpha Epsilon. The purpose of this organization is to give students with similar goals the opportunity to join together for social and professional functions. Joining together with law enforcement agencies in the community gives students a better understanding of the complex problems facing law enforcement today. Students wishing to become members must be enrolled in Temple College, either taking courses or majoring in criminal justice.

Business Club
The purpose of this organization is to compliment and enrich the development of occupational competence necessary for careers in Business and Marketing.

Philosophy Club
The Philosophy Club is for students who want to explore and clarify issues of truth, value, and moral concern. The club is for students with an inquiring mind and a passion for knowledge. It is a great way for students to come together and discuss philosophy and its place in today’s society.

Science Club
The purpose of the Science Club is to promote and strengthen the appreciation of science. The club supports and sponsors activities relating to the application of science.

Society of Physics Students
The Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a professional association explicitly designed for students. Membership, through collegiate chapters, is open to anyone interested in physics. The only requirement for membership is that you be interested in physics. Besides physics majors, our members include majors in chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, and other fields.
Members of the Temple College Chapter of SPS (also known as the Physics Club) look to the following four ideals: commitment, integrity, leadership, and opportunity. We exist to help students transform themselves into contributing members of the professional community. Course work develops only one range of skills. Other skills needed to flourish professionally include effective communication and personal interactions, leadership experience, establishing a personal network of contacts, presenting scholarly work in professional meetings and journals, and outreach services to the campus and local communities.

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)
The purpose of this organization is to promote awareness and educate our campus and the community about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and alternative sex and gender culture. The group provides support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender individuals on campus and their families and friends.

Roteract Club

The Roteract Club of Temple College is to further the Roteract goals of service above self by providing community and international service and supporting social and networking opportunities for Temple College Students.

Student Component of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SCADHA)
This organization is open to students who are enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program. The purpose of SADHA is to cultivate, promote, and sustain the art and science of dental hygiene, to represent and safeguard the common interest of members of the dental hygiene profession, and to contribute toward the improvement of the oral health of the public.

Student Veterans of America (SVA)
This organization provides a social group and support structure to help veterans adjust to and become successful in civilian and college life. It raises awareness for veteran’s issues and facilitates the dissemination of information to veterans. It also promotes community service and volunteerism as well as organizes worthwhile projects and events pertaining to veterans and their needs and issues.

Temple College Dance Team
The Dance Team promotes fellowship among dancers in our school as well as surrounding areas by sponsoring activities, performance opportunities and workshops.

Temple College Democrats
The purpose of this club is to support and promote ideas of the National Democratic Party, recognizing the humanitarian concern for the equal rights and opportunities of all people as a primary concern of government. This club is open to any Democrat student of Temple College.

Temple College Republicans
The purpose of this club is to support and promote ideas of the National Republican Party, recognizing the humanitarian concern for equal rights and opportunities of all people as a primary concern of government. This club is open to any Republican student at Temple College.

United Way Collegiate Leadership
The purpose of this organization is to identify and resolve pressing community issues as well as making measurable changes in the communities through partnerships with other in the community.

Young Adult League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
The purpose of this organization is to cultivate a better understanding of the Latin-American culture and its relation toward the students and the community, to perform services related to the TC and the community, to promote more interest in Spanish, and to encourage Latin-Americans to continue their education. Membership is open to all students enrolled at Temple College and those specifically interested in the Latin-American culture.

Honor Societies

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
This international junior college honorary scholastic society granted Lambda Theta, the local chapter, a charter on November 17, 1960. To be eligible for membership, a student must have completed 12 semester hours leading to a degree conferred by the College and rank academically within the upper 10 percent of the student body. Members are selected on the basis of character, citizenship, and scholarship.

Psi Beta
This national honor society in psychology for community colleges is designed to stimulate, encourage, and recognize scholarship and interest in psychology. To be eligible for membership, a student must have completed one course of psychology with a “B” or better and have an overall GPA of 3.0.

Sigma Kappa Delta
Sigma Kappa Delta is the National English Honor Society for Two-Year Colleges. The Temple College Nu Zeta chapter became the 134th chapter of Sigma Kappa Delta on March 6, 2018.  To be eligible for membership, a student must have completed at least one English course and a minimum of 12 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and a “B” or better in all English courses. 

Scholars Program

Langston Hughes Scholars Program
The purpose of this program is to provide academic support, mentoring and scholarships for African-American students at Temple College. The Langston Hughes Scholars program will offer cultural enrichment, field trips, stimulating film series, and musical festivals.

Religious Organizations

Baptist Student Ministries (BSM)
Organized in January of 1964, the Baptist Student Ministries was the first religious organization affiliated with the College. The purpose of this group is to provide weekly programs of worship, inspiration, and study that will be in keeping with Christian living. BSM is a Christian student organization open to all students regardless of their denominational affiliation.

Student Affairs Organizations

Student Government Association (SGA)
Organized as the College Council in 1950, the present Student Government Association (SGA) has evolved through several constitutional revisions since its inception. Membership is made up of the elected officers. The objectives of the Student Government Association are to assist in the development of the student body, coordinate student activities, seek an understanding of and a solution to student problems, serve as the coordinating body of the social/service organization, and provide student input into the administration of Temple College.

Student Activities

Social Events: Various activities are scheduled on the College Calendar each semester where students and faculty enjoy together the social life of the College.

Musical Organizations:
The opportunity to participate in excellent instrumental and choral groups is available to Temple College students through the Music Department. Bands, choirs, and numerous smaller ensembles are organized each year. If interested, contact the Division of Fine Arts, (254) 298-8555.

Students interested in Speech and Theater activities can participate in the preparation of plays for festivals as well as various types of speeches for contests and festivals. If interested, contact the Division of Fine Arts, (254) 298-8555.

Student Housing

University Courtyard Apartments
On-campus housing is available in a modern apartment-style apartment complex. The units are designed in a one, two, and four bedroom floor plans and are fully furnished. Security features include panic alarms. The rental cost includes all utilities, high-speed Internet service, cable TV, and local telephone service. For information, call (254) 791-5400.

Temple College Apartments
Affordable, on-campus housing is available for low-income student families through a partnership between the Temple Housing Authority and Temple College. There are 25 one and two bedroom apartments. Residents must meet THA screening requirements. For information contact the Temple Housing Authority, (254) 773-2009.

Use of Facilities

The administration of Temple College, under the authority granted it by the Board of Trustees, has established the following rules and practices concerning the use of facilities and student conduct and responsibilities. A student seeking recourse under these rules and practices may appeal to the Vice President of Educational Services. Further appeals may be made to the President.


The facilities at Temple College, including those within the buildings and those on the campus, are for the benefit of students enrolled in the College. These facilities are directly under faculty supervision. From time to time, subject to the approval of the administration, these facilities may be used by those not enrolled, and who have received approval of the administration for said use. The use of the facilities must be in conformity with the rules of the administration, and must not interfere with use of college purposes in any respect. Use of classrooms and offices by students enrolled shall be under the supervision of those in charge during the hours that they are available. When not available to the students they will be under the direct supervision of the administration, or delegated personnel. Persons not enrolled, or connected with the staff, may be prohibited by the administration at any time, not only to classrooms and offices, but also to the entire campus area. Commercial advertising and/or solicitation is not permitted anywhere on the campus except by those organizations sponsoring programs which have been endorsed by the College. Persons violating any rules heretofore specified shall be advised, and counseled, regarding these rules.

Student Conduct and Responsibilities

Through enrollment at Temple College, students signify that they recognize the authority of the College in governing their actions in relation to the College, and they automatically agree to abide by any regulation concerning students and/or student organizations set up by the College or its representatives. A detailed description of student disciplinary procedures may be found in the Student Handbook. Weapons are prohibited on the TC campus. The possession or use of alcoholic beverages or narcotics on the campus may be cause for disciplinary action. This also is true of a student who comes on the campus while under the influence of either of the two. Any action by one or more individuals, whether students or non-students that interferes with the orderly operation of the College will be the cause of disciplinary action or possible arrest by authorized peace officers. A student may be requested or required to withdraw with or without public charges by the College administration. The College does not wish to provide a policy regarding dress for students, but does feel that it is the responsibility of the student to maintain standards of good taste and good grooming which are in keeping with generally accepted standards. Appropriate campus dress for men and women depends upon the occasion or specific event that the student attends. Modes of dress that are in keeping with current styles and are generally acceptable in the extended college community are deemed to be the most acceptable and appropriate. College representatives will call modes of dress deemed inappropriate to the attention of the offending student.

Parking and Traffic

All vehicles driven on campus by both students, faculty and staff, must bear a current parking permit and must be parked in authorized areas and in the proper manner. It is the responsibility of anyone bringing a vehicle onto the campus to become familiar with the “Traffic Rules & Regulations” found in the Student Handbook.


The Hubert M. Dawson Library has a collection of more than 55,000 books, over 70 current periodical subscriptions, over 100 databases and thousands of media items including streaming videos, streaming music, DVDs and compact discs. The library’s online catalog provides access to Temple College’s print collection as well as access to over 150,000 electronic books.

Temple College belongs to TexShare, a statewide system which allows reciprocal borrowing privileges to current students, faculty and staff at all participating public, college and university libraries in Texas. Through TexShare, Temple College students have access to over 70 online databases, many of which display the full-text of the original journal or book. Materials not owned by Temple College or unavailable through the online databases may be requested through interlibrary loan for little or no cost.

Facilities of the Hubert M. Dawson Library include study carrels and tables, small group study rooms, conference room, computers, media viewing and listening areas, a quiet area and wireless Internet access. The library houses a computer lab with 30 workstations where students can perform research, access the Internet, type and print papers and complete assignments. The library also has an additional 13 computers in the main area of the library.

The library staff provides reference assistance and instruction in the use of the library and its resources.