Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook


Service Animals

Service Animals (a canine that is specially trained or equipped to help a person with a disability and that is used by a person with a disability) are permitted in any campus building that the general public has access to. Assistance or Emotional Support Animals (various animals) are only allowed in the room within a residence hall/apartment of the student and no other buildings on campus. 

For additional information, please see Board Policy at https://pol.tasb.org/PolicyOnline/PolicyDetails?key=161&code=FAB#legalTabContent

Student Parking and Traffic

It is the responsibility of each student to obtain a free student vehicle parking permit for each vehicle that he/she intends to operate on campus or to have operated on his/her behalf on campus. This parking permit allows a Temple College student to park in any student or open parking area only. These permits are available at the time of registration and subsequently are available at the Cashier’s Office in One College Centre.

Speed Limit

The maximum permissible speed limit on campus or at Temple College Centers shall be 15 miles per hour.

Registration of Vehicles with Free Parking Permits

*Student Parking Permit requirements are suspended for the 2024-2025 academic year*

Parking Permits (Registration of Vehicles)

  1. Vehicle Registration: All vehicles regularly parked on the Temple College main campus or any Temple College Center by students, college personnel, TC Board of Trustees members, or other individuals must be properly registered and display a valid parking permit.
  2. Parking Permit Issuance: Student vehicle owners and operators must register vehicles and obtain free parking permits from the Cashier’s Office in One College Centre.
  3. Registration Information: In order to obtain a vehicle parking permit, the vehicle registrant must complete a parking permit form and supply a College ID number, the vehicle’s make (Buick, Ford, etc.), vehicle type (2dr/4dr, SUV, etc.), model, year, color, license plate number with state of origin. 

Types of Parking Permits: Parking permits will vary in color according to purpose listed below:

Student Permits: Any student registered and paid at Temple College is eligible to obtain a free student parking permit. This parking permit allows a Temple College student to park in any student or open parking area only. Visitor spaces are never student parking spaces.

Display of Parking Permit: On automobiles and trucks, the permit must be displayed on the outside of the back glass of the automobile driver’s side on the bottom so that the Campus Police can easily scan properly parked vehicles for valid permits. On motorcycles, the permit must be displayed on the rear fender (affixed with adhesive). Permits that are not displayed in the proper location will be ticketed. Any exception to permit placement must be approved, in advance, by the Campus Police Office or appropriate Center designee.

Parking Permit Regulations:

  1. A parking permit is no guarantee of a parking space. Each driver is responsible for finding a legal parking space. Lack of space does not excuse violations of any parking regulation.
  2. Parking Permits must be current for the academic year.
  3. A parking permit will not be issued to any person (faculty, staff, or other individual) having unpaid violation charges or other outstanding TC balances (e.g. parking fines, etc.) until full payment is made to the Cashier’s Office or other designated office location at Temple College Centers. College personnel will check for outstanding balance holds prior to issuance of a parking permit.
  4. Special Occasion Restrictions on Permits−The only exception to the parking permit policy exists in the case of special occasion restrictions on permits where parking restrictions may be imposed or where police officers waive restrictions that normally apply. For these special occasions, prior arrangements have to be made with College administration and notice has to be given to Campus Police. For all emergency situations, Campus Police or appropriate Center designee can alter restrictions as conditions warrant.

Parking Designated for Persons with Disabilities: Temple College will follow the State law, Transportation Code Title 7, Subtitle H, Chapter 681, regarding privileged parking. Any student with a disability must obtain and display a free College parking permit in addition to their (individual named on the placard or license plate) state issued current placard or license plate to park in a parking space designated for persons with disabilities.

Students must visibly display their (individual named on the placard or license plate) state issued current placard or license plate to park in any parking space designated for persons with disabilities. If a visitor receives a citation in error for parking in a disabled parking space, the citation may be taken to the Campus Police office or appropriate Center designee for review.

Any person authorized to park in a parking space designated for persons with disabilities may park in any parking space designated for persons with disabilities on campus.

Towing Policy

To protect your vehicle from being towed, abide by all posted Temple College parking signage. The College reserves the right to impound, or to have impounded, any vehicle which is parked in a manner dangerous to vehicular or pedestrian traffic or otherwise in violation of College parking and traffic regulations. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all costs involved in removing, impounding, and storing such vehicles.

Open Parking (AFTER 5:30 p.m.)

At Main Campus, parking lots are designated as open parking from 5:30 p.m. until 6 a.m. Monday through Thursday and after 12:00 noon on Fridays. This does not include areas marked as Reserved Parking, Parking Designated for Persons with Disabilities, Fire Lanes, or Visitor Designated Parking areas.

Parking lots and spaces at Centers are considered open parking during regular business hours unless designated for Reserved/Staff Parking, Parking Designated for Persons with Disabilities, Fire Lanes, or Visitor Designated Parking.

Parking Violations

Any of the following, taking place anywhere on the property of Temple College or Temple College Center at any time, will constitute a parking violation:

  1. Parking in any area not designated as a parking space, such as fire lanes
  2. Failure to possess and properly display a valid Temple College parking permit
  3. Failure to affix permit in the proper manner or location
  4. Parallel (street) parking against the flow of traffic
  5. Failure to remain within the lines of a marked parking space
  6. Parking in a Reserved or non-Student space or Staff designated parking lot.
  7. Parking in a Handicapped space (unless vehicle displays a state Handicap Permit or license plate)
  8. Parking in a Visitor space (a tagged vehicle is NEVER considered a Visitor, regardless of the particular reason for being on campus)
  9. Parking contrary to indicated traffic flow in lots with angled parking spaces.

Penalties for parking violations are assessed as follows:

  • $25 for the first ticket per academic year,
  • $40 for the second per academic year, and
  • $60 for third and subsequent tickets per academic year

Traffic Violations Policy

Any of the following, taking place anywhere on the property of Temple College or Temple College Center at any time, will constitute a traffic violation:

  1. Driving without a valid driver’s license
  2. Exceeding 15 miles per hour
  3. Failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign
  4. Driving the wrong way on a one-way street
  5. Driving on a sidewalk or lawn
  6. Failure to yield to pedestrians
  7. Any other violation of Texas Motor Vehicle Laws

Citation/Violation Notice Appeals

Main Campus:  If you feel that a traffic or parking violation notice was issued to you unjustly or if you feel that the circumstances were so compelling as to not warrant the violation, you may appeal the Violation Notice. To appeal, contact the Student Life and Community Outreach Office at 254-298-8309 or complete the Student Ticket Appeals process (https://www.templejc.edu/resources/student-ticket-appeals/) within five (5) business days after the violation was issued. The Ticket Appeals Committee that consists of three students and two staff members will meet within (2) days of receiving an appeal request and render a decision. A student can only bring a particular violation to the committee once a semester. The Committee is the final authority with regard to ticket appeals.

Campus Centers: If you feel that a Center’s traffic or parking violation notice was issued to you unjustly, or if you feel that the circumstances were so compelling as to not warrant the violation, you may appeal the violation notice. To appeal, contact the Center Director’s Office within five (5) working days after the violation was issued. The Center Director will serve as the final authority with regard to all ticket appeals at Center locations.

Security of Vehicles

Temple College assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle or its contents while the vehicle is operated or parked on campus; however, every effort will be made by Temple College to protect all vehicles and property. 

  1. All thefts, accidents, and offenses that occur on campus should be reported to the Campus Police Office.
  2. A record of serial numbers of valuables should be kept.
  3. Mark auto accessories so that they may be identified.
  4. Write name and address in all personal textbooks.
  5. Keys and valuables should not be left in the car.
  6. Always lock your car.

Presence in Unauthorized Areas

At times, parts of the College campus become “off limits” to students. When offices are closed or buildings are locked, no attempt should be made to enter such premises. 

Unattended Children and Children on Campus

Temple College strives to provide an environment most conducive to teaching and learning for all enrolled students. For reasons of security and child welfare, the institution will not permit unattended children to be left anywhere on the premises. Minor children are not allowed in classrooms, laboratories, or other facilities of the college unless they are taking part in approved activities or are enrolled in classes. 

Lost & Found 

The Temple College Police Department is the central location for all Lost and Found items that are turned in. Any items found on or near Temple College property should be turned into the Campus Police. If an item has a name on it, Campus Police officers will try to contact that person by phone or email. It is important that individuals have names on items. Students attempting to claim a lost item will be expected to provide a reasonably accurate description to assure that the rightful owner receives the property. The Campus Police office is located in the east side of campus (see the campus map for exact location). Persons may call 254-298-8911 to inquire about lost property.


Student Activities

College Sponsored Publications



LDU 2018.01

DATE ISSUED: 1/4/2018

Special circumstances must be present to give an institution of higher education, including a college district, the right to control student publications. An institution of higher education may censor student expression only if it acts consistent with First Amendment constitutional guarantees

For additional information, please see Board Policy at https://pol.tasb.org/PolicyOnline/PolicyDetails?key=161&code=FKA#legalTabContent



Activity Funds Management



LDU 2018.03

DATE ISSUED: 9/18/2018

The College District shall serve as the depository and fiscal agent for all registered student organizations. [See FKC] The College President or designee shall develop procedures for the budgeting and accounting for income and expenditures of each organization’s funds.

For additional information, please see Board Policy at https://pol.tasb.org/PolicyOnline/PolicyDetails?key=161&code=FKB#localTabContent


Registered Student Organizations




DATE ISSUED: 12/5/2019

An organization in which membership is limited to students, staff, and faculty may become a registered student organization by complying with the registration procedures established by the vice president, educational services. Registered student organizations shall abide by College District policies and procedures and applicable law. 

For additional information, please see Board Policy at https://pol.tasb.org/PolicyOnline/PolicyDetails?key=161&code=FKC#localTabContent


Student Solicitations



LDU 2020.03

DATE ISSUED: 10/31/2020

“Student solicitation” shall mean the sale or offer for sale of any property or service, whether for immediate or future delivery, and the receipt of or request for any gift or contribution by a student or registered student organization.

For additional information, please see Board Policy at https://pol.tasb.org/PolicyOnline/PolicyDetails?key=161&code=FI#localTabContent


Student Government Association

Organized as the College Council in 1950, the present Student Government Association (SGA) has evolved through several constitutional revisions since its inception. Membership is made up of the elected officers. The objectives of the Student Government Association are to assist in the development of the student body, coordinate student activities, seek an understanding of and a solution to student problems, serve as the coordinating body of the social/service organization, and provide student input into the administration of Temple College.

For additional information, please see the Temple College website at https://www.templejc.edu/resources/organizations/


Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) – Honor Society


PTK is the international honor society for students in two-year colleges. Temple College was granted a charter for the Lambda Theta chapter of Phi theta Kappa on Nov. 17, 1960. To be eligible for membership in PTK, a student must have completed 12 semester hours leading to a degree conferred by the college and rank academically within the upper 10 percent of the student body. Members are selected on the basis of character, citizenship and scholarship.

For additional information, please see the Temple College website at https://www.templejc.edu/resources/organizations/