Jul 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED]

Campus Numbers

Temple College (254) 298-8282 or outside Temple area 1(800) 460-4636
EWCHEC-Taylor 298-8946 or (512) 365-7242 or (866) 989-4266
EWCHEC-Hutto (512) 759-5900
TDD (254) 298-8253
(All numbers have 298 prefix unless otherwise indicated)

Academic Affairs 8340   Financial Aid Call Center 8363
Academic Foundations 8596   Fitness Center Office 8520
Academie Musique 8566   GED (HSE) High School Equivalency 8620
Accounting Services 8601   Geographic Information Systems - Engineering Technology 8442
Accounting Services/Student Accounts 8628   Gymnasium 8522
Admissions and Records 8300   Health 8521
Adult Education & Literacy (AEL) 8620   Help Desk (Information Services) 8450
Advising 8331   HSE (High School Equivalency) 8620
Art 8573   Human Resources 8580
Athletics 8522   Institutional Research 8416
Baseball 8529   Liberal Arts 8596
Basketball/Men 8525   Library (Learning Resources) 8426
Basketball/Women 8527   Maintenance (Physical Plant) 254-760-8456
Biology 8409   Management 8635
Bookstore Main Campus 8575   Marketing and Media Relations 8591
Business & Career Professions 8316   Math Adjunct Faculty 8354
Business and Continuing Education 8625   Math Lab (Computer Aided) 8348/8373
Business Courses 8635   Mathematics 8358
Business Office 8601   Media Center 8423
Campus Police 8911   Music 8555
Cashier 8610/8611   Nurse Aide Training 8618
Chemistry and Physical Science 8407   Nursing - Associate Degree 8666
Child Development 8624   Nursing Lab 8658
Circle of Support Student Resource Center 8767   Nursing - Vocational 8664
Computer Information Systems 8461   Open Computer Center (WTC) 8447
Criminal Justice 8640   Payroll 8581
Dental Hygiene 8651   Performing Arts 8555
Dental Clinic 8688  
Physical Education
Diagnostic Medical Sonography 8652   Physics 8407
Disabilities Coordinator 8335   President’s Office 8600
Drama 8555   Purchasing 8609
Dual Credit 8621   Respiratory Care 8697
eLearning (Distance Education) 8388   Social and Behavioral Sciences 8596
Engineering Technology (CAD/CIS) 8442   Speech 8555
EWCHEC-Hutto Center 512-759-5900   Softball 8528
EWCHEC-Hutto – Admissions 512-759-5900   Student Accommodations 8335
EWCHEC-Hutto – Bookstore 512-759-5941   Student and Enrollment Services 8333
EWCHEC-Hutto – Cafe 512-759-5942   Student Life 8309
EWCHEC-Hutto – Campus Police 512-759-5950   Surgical Technology 8651
EWCHEC-Hutto – Cashier 512-759-5920   TC Foundation 254-295-0643
EWCHEC-Hutto – Financial Aid 512-759-5900   Testing Center 8586
EWCHEC-Hutto – Library 512-759-5930   Texas A&M – Central Texas 8930
EWCHEC-Hutto – Student Enrollment Services 512-759-5900   Texas Bioscience Institute 8782
EWCHEC-Hutto – Testing Center 512-759-5925   Title IX Coordinator 8582
EWCHEC-Taylor 8946   Training and User Support 8450
  or 512-352-2688   Theatre 8555
  or 512-365-7242   University Courtyard 791-5400
EWCHEC-Taylor – Financial Aid 8948   Veterans Affairs 8311
EWCHEC-Taylor – Math Lab 8949   VCT (Virtual College of Texas) 8319
EWCHEC-Taylor – Bookstore 8274   Visual Arts 8570
Education Courses 8624   Volleyball 8531
Educational Services 8344   Workforce Representative 773-3111
EMS Professions 8697   Work Study 8322
English and Foreign Languages 8596   Writing Center 8393
ESL (English as Second Language) 8620      
Financial Aid 8321